iFace Matrix Tester for Face ID Repair
iFace Matrix Tester for Face ID Repair
- Availability: In Stock
- Product Code: PFPCBF18
This product can detect whether the dot matrix projection of the face is working and is divided into 5 categories (display area)
1. Normal
It shows that the dot matrix projector is working normally.
2. Fuse
It shows that the dot matrix cannot work and can be repaired.
3. NTC disconnection
It shows that the dot matrix projection cable is broken and can be repaired.
4. I2C disconnection
It indicates that the dot matrix projector cable is broken and can be repaired.
5. Short circuit
It indicates that the dot matrix projector is short-circuited and can be repaired.
Note: iFace is only a matrix tester not a programmer, it doesn't fix face ID issue or do any program work, so It only for the ones who do massive Face ID repair or testing work.